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Help for Migraine Sufferers

Help for Migraine Sufferers

Migraines are devastating — not just because of the excruciating pain, the light sensitivity, and the nausea, vomiting, or dizziness — but their power to stop your life. People with migraines must leave work or call in sick, miss fun events, and can’t play with their kids. People who don’t experience migraines may not understand that it’s not “just a headache,” making it even more challenging.
About 38 million American suffer from migraines; nearly one in four households contains someone who suffers. And 2 percent of sufferers experience chronic migraines, meaning 15 or more days per month. About 10 percent of children suffer from migraines.
Researchers say migraines are a neurological disease and that the attacks last four to 72 hours. Migraines feel different to each person; some people don’t experience pain. Those who do often describe it as feeling like someone is drilling inside their head. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, visual disturbances, extreme sensitivity to sound, light, touch, and smell. Some feel a tingling or numbness in the face or fingers and toes.

Finding Help for Your Migraines

If you suffer from migraines, you’ve probably seen many doctors. If you haven’t, it’s worth visiting one soon. There are a variety of treatment options, including pain medications, preventative medications, and diet counseling.

Other Options

While medication can certainly help you live a better life, there are other options to help control migraines, including:

People respond differently to various treatments. The right pain reliever should help you get rid of pain and function normally within a few hours. Other treatments should lessen the frequency and severity of your migraines. If you suffer from migraines or feel your current treatment is not working, speak to your Generations Family Practice physician.

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