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Anti-pollution Skincare: Prevent Pollution From Aging Your Skin

Anti-pollution Skincare: Prevent Pollution From Aging Your Skin

Why is anti-pollution skincare important? Emerging scientific studies are showing that air pollution can prematurely age our skin. Studies show that residents of cities, especially large cities, have more wrinkles and age spots at younger ages. They are also more prone to hives and eczema. City dwellers tend to have drier skin, too.

Most of the urban pollution comes from traffic, and tiny particles, called PMs, seem to cause the most problems. Combine that with smoke, soot, acid, and all the other junk out there, and none of it is good for your skin. Plus, pollution doesn’t just sit on top of your skin; the particles are often so small they can penetrate the outer layer.

Anti-Pollution Recommendations for Protecting Your Skin:

Not surewhat to do with your skin care routine? Contact us for guidance on the best approach for your skin type and specific problems.

Anti-pollution Skincare: Prevent Pollution From Aging Your Skin

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