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Conditions that Make Weight Loss More Difficult

Conditions that Make Weight Loss More Difficult

Have you gone on a diet program with a friend only to find that your friend lost weight but you didn’t? You both followed the same nutritional program and even did your workouts together, so what gives?

The fact is, everyone is unique, with different body chemistries, health profiles, and so on. So, a plan that may work for one person may not work for another.

There are many conditions that can affect your ability to lose weight. In this blog, the providers at Generations Family Practice in Cary and Raleigh, North Carolina, take a look at some of them and also explain how you can finally lose the weight.

Conditions that can hinder weight loss

There are a number of conditions that can affect a person’s ability to lose weight. The following are some common ones.

Hormonal imbalances

hormonal imbalance may not only make it difficult for someone to lose weight, but it may actually make the person more prone to gaining weight. A hormonal imbalance can be caused by a number of issues, such as a thyroid disorder or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Similarly, hormonal fluctuations, which can occur during puberty and menopause, can also make losing weight challenging.


Another condition that can affect a person’s ability to lose weight is diabetes. With diabetes, 

the body produces too little insulin or doesn’t make use of the insulin it does produce.

Insulin allows sugar to go from the bloodstream to the body’s cells. If this doesn’t happen, the sugar builds up in the blood, which can lead to a host of complications, such as stroke and heart attack.

However, insulin issues can also affect a person’s ability to lose weight. This is because insulin also regulates the storage of fat and can block the release of fat from storage. Unfortunately, this can prevent a person from losing weight and even cause weight gain.

Anxiety, depression, and stress

It’s not just physical conditions that can impact a person’s ability to lose weight. Stress, anxiety, and even depression can make it more challenging to shed excess pounds.

For example, during times of high anxiety and stress, the level of cortisol — nicknamed the stress hormone — rises, which, in turn, can increase insulin levels and trigger cravings for fatty or sugary foods. Furthermore, some medications that are prescribed to treat mental health conditions, such as depression, can lead to weight gain.

A medical weight loss program can help

Here at Generations Family Practice, we understand how complex weight loss can be. We offer our patients medical weight loss programs, which are customized to each person. We take into account many factors, such as your lifestyle, goals, and health conditions, and design a plan that will help you lose the weight and keep it off.

Then we guide you on your journey and make adjustments as needed. With our program, you’re never alone. We start you out on the right foot and walk with you every step of the way, giving you support, answering your questions, and helping attain and keep a healthy weight. 

If you’re ready to start your journey to a healthier you and want to learn more about medical weight loss, book an appointment online or over the phone with Generations Family Practice today.

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