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Getting to Know Endometriosis

Getting to Know Endometriosis

Painful periods? While pain is a normal part of most women’s menstrual cycles, some women experience debilitating pain before and during periods, during sex and more. March is National Endometriosis Awareness Month, and it’s a good time to understand more about something often misunderstood.

Here are the fast facts on endometriosis:

Symptoms include:

Below are two wonderful and informative pieces we found to help you better understand this disease.

“Did You Know Killer Cramps Are Not Normal?” is a great video by the folks at Endometriosis Foundation of America that shares information about Endometriosis in an informative and enagaing manner.

The below infographic from RMA of Texas presents symptoms, causes and treatments for endometriosis and aims to bring more awareness to this terrible disease so hopefully a cure can be found soon.

[Click image for full size version]

Getting to Know Endometriosis

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