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October Is Mental Health Awareness Month

October Is Mental Health Awareness Month

A healthy body also includes a healthy mind. But those with mental health struggles often face misunderstanding and harsh judgment that may cause them to hide their illness and avoid seeking help.

As the Mental Health Foundation observes, “by failing to treat people with mental health problems with dignity we make it more difficult to ensure that everyone takes steps to safeguard their wellbeing and to seek help, as it can lead to self-stigma, low confidence, low self-esteem, withdrawal and social isolation.”

Mental health illnesses include a range of illnesses from depression and posttraumatic stress disorder to ADD and schizophrenia. All of these illnesses are not uncommon. In 2013, there were an estimated 43.8 million U.S. adults (18.5%) with some type of mental illness in the past year. According to the CDC, approximately 13 percent of children ages 8 to 15 had a diagnosable mental disorder within the previous year.

World Mental Health Day is October 10, and this year mental health organizations are striving to bring dignity to illnesses often cast in shadow. Generations Family Practice is happy to assist patients in finding the appropriate mental health care. Call us today to get the help you deserve.

Here are some startling facts related to Mental Health in America~

October Is Mental Health Awareness Month 1

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