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Use Screen Time to Connect with Your Family!

Use Screen Time to Connect with Your Family!

Is there such a thing as a healthy dose of technology?

You might have seen the studies on screen time: The average teen sends 50+ text messages a day. Women are more likely to log onto Pinterest, and men to Google+. And only about 30 percent of people over age 70 even use the Internet.
Since different generations prefer different technologies, is there a rift in communication between them? Not necessarily. Perhaps surprisingly, young people who spend the most time with technology also spend more time doing physical activities, enjoying hobbies, and hanging out with their parents, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Since technology is an important part of the lives of many of us—no matter what our age—don’t fight it. Instead, put technology to work for you to bring different generations together.

Family time, tech time

Look for ways to say good-bye to screen time and engage all ages in your family this summer.

Be conscious of turning technology ‘Off’ when it interferes with quality time. But you can also use it to engage your family and improve the quality of your time together.

How can you use to screen time to connect with your Family? Learn tips on making tech time family friendly? Ask your doctor for more information.

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