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Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Annual Exam

Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Annual Exam

Why should you see a doctor when you don’t feel sick? Many people only think about the doctor when they’ve been injured or aren’t feeling well, but an annual exam is important to your overall health and wellness. 

Similar to your regular dental cleanings, an annual exam is the key to preventive healthcare. It allows you to address any health concerns with your doctor and learn preventive measures for a long and healthy future.

At Generations Family Practice in Cary, North Carolina, we ensure you receive all recommended examinations and tests at your annual exam, so potential health issues can be identified early. 

Even if you feel fine, don’t put off your annual exam. Here are four reasons you shouldn’t skip your physical.

  1. Discover potential issues early

Annual exams include blood work and other diagnostic testing services. They can help catch health issues during their earliest stages when it’s easiest to treat.

  1. Establish a relationship with your primary care doctor

One of the greatest benefits of annual exams is the ability to establish a relationship with your doctor. Your primary care doctor understands your patient and family medical history, maintains a record of your health, and can spot changes over the years to predict possible health risks and make recommendations to stay healthy in the future.

  1. Keep your vaccinations up to date

Most people don’t keep track of their recommended vaccination schedule, but doctors do! Your annual exam is the best time to learn if you’re due for vaccines and receive them.

  1. Opportunity to discuss minor health concerns

You may have symptoms or concerns about your health that don’t seem serious enough to warrant an appointment with your doctor. The annual exam is the perfect time to share these minor concerns with Generations Family Practice.

How to prepare for your annual exam

There isn’t much you need to do before you come in for your annual exam, but a little preparation can help you get the most out of your visit. Gather and bring the following to your appointment:

When you schedule your appointment, the office staff should tell you if you need to fast for blood work before your annual exam. Either way, it’s important to wear comfortable clothing for your annual exam. 

Has it been more than a year since your last annual exam? Call to schedule a visit with Generations Family Practice or use our convenient online booking tool to schedule your appointment today.

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