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Yes, You Should Get Annual Physicals

Yes, You Should Get Annual Physicals

If you’re like most people, you have a really busy life. In the face of this, attending an annual physical — especially if you feel well — might not seem like a good use of your time. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.


If you want to stay well, annual physicals are crucial. These visits can help catch problems early and help prevent potential ones from occurring.


In this blog, the providers at Generations Family Practice in Cary and Raleigh, North Carolina, explain what annual physicals are and how they can help you live life to the fullest.

Preventive care vs. acute and chronic care

If you go to the doctor to be treated for a cold, an injury, or some other specific short-term condition, this is known as acute care. A chronic care visit comes into play for treating or monitoring ongoing issues, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, or even weight management.


Annual physicals, on the other hand, allow your doctor to identify problems in their early stages or identify issues that could develop into problems. This type of care is called preventive medicine, in which your doctor can develop strategies to help you avoid complications or avoid the problems altogether.

The benefits of attending annual physicals

There are many reasons why it’s smart to attend annual physicals. Here are just a few of the many benefits:


Record critical benchmarks

During an annual physical, your provider checks a number of critical benchmarks, such as your blood pressure, temperature, height, and weight. Your provider also listens to your heart and lungs and performs a thorough physical exam.


Your provider also asks you about issues pertaining to your health and wellness, such as your diet, exercise habits, and how you feel on a regular basis. And, if you’ve had blood work or other health screenings performed prior to your appointment, your provider goes over these results and makes recommendations.


This information is compiled at every visit, and it can show your provider trends and potential issues that may need to be investigated or monitored.

Update your immunizations

Annual physicals are also a good time to get immunizations you may need. If you’re due for a flu shot, tetanus shot, shingles shot, or another vaccine, your provider can administer those shots at your appointment.

Updating your immunizations will not only help protect you from many illnesses, but doing so will help keep those around you from getting sick as well. 

Stay ahead of potential issues

The biggest benefit of attending annual physicals is that they put you in the best position to stay ahead of potential medical issues. If your doctor notices that you’ve been gaining weight over the past few visits, your provider can make recommendations to help you lose weight.

Or, if your doctor notices that your blood pressure is trending upward, or that your cholesterol levels aren’t what they should be, they can guide you on correcting these issues. 

And this just scratches the surface. From cardiovascular health to lifestyle changes to nutritional needs, your provider can help you chart a course through life and keep you as well as possible.

Build a partnership

When it comes to your health, you need an expert in your corner who can help you live life to the fullest. At each physical, you and your doctor can develop a trusting relationship. This, in turn, can help your provider be in tune with your health and be able to give you the specific guidance you need. 

And it also means that you, too, can feel confident in sharing your concerns and asking any questions you may have about your health. With your provider by your side, you can live well and thrive.

To learn more about physicals or to schedule one, book an appointment online or over the phone with Generations Family Practice today.

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