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Yes, Your Baby Does Need a Pediatrician

Yes, Your Baby Does Need a Pediatrician

Trying to care for your child’s health can sometimes seem confusing and overwhelming. Is a particular symptom something to be concerned about? Are they missing any immunizations? These and many other questions can consume a parent’s attention.

Fortunately, a pediatrician can help. Here at Generations Family Practice, with locations in Cary and Raleigh, North Carolina, we have providers that can treat everyone in the family, from adults to babies. In this blog, we explain what pediatricians are and how they can help your child grow up healthy and strong.

Pediatricians vs. family doctors

While there are some similarities between family physicians and pediatricians, there is also a major difference.

We’ll begin with the similarities. Both family physicians and pediatricians are primary care doctors who provide preventive and sick care services. Furthermore, both medical professionals complete undergraduate studies as well as medical school and a residency.

When it comes to the major difference, it’s this: A family physician has an overall knowledge in preventive care and medical treatments for patients of all ages. A pediatrician, on the other hand, has expertise in treating infants and adolescents.

For instance, in clinical education, a family doctor resident rotates through inpatient and outpatient settings to gain experience in many fields, such as internal medicine, gynecology, geriatrics, and pediatrics. A pediatrician, however, spends their residency laser focused on children’s medicine. 

Hyper-focused on kids’ health

Pediatricians are grounded in all issues related to fighting illness and preventing it in babies and adolescents. Because of this, they understand that children aren’t miniature adults. 

They know that diseases and illnesses can manifest differently in kids and adults, and they know that even medications can work differently. And when it comes to prevention, they know that certain issues may need more attention in children as opposed to adults.

For example, a child needs a host of immunizations in their first years to help them stay healthy as they grow into strong adults. Your child’s pediatrician can make sure they’re following the immunization schedule for measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, and others.

Tracking growth and development

Since pediatricians are laser focused on kids, they’re experts when it comes to measuring growth and development. They can monitor certain factors, such as your child's height and weight as well as critical milestones, such as talking, crawling, and walking.

Your pediatrician can also guide you on what’s typical regarding social skills, such as how your child should be interacting with you and others. A pediatrician can also monitor your child’s emotional and mental wellness.

And if your child doesn’t meet a developmental milestone, your child’s pediatrician can provide guidance on whether or not there’s something to be concerned about.

To learn more about pediatrics care or to make a pediatrics visit for your child, book an appointment online or over the phone with Generations Family Practice today.

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