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Chronic Conditions We Can Help You Manage

Chronic Conditions We Can Help You Manage

You may be surprised to hear that 60% of adults in the United States have a chronic disease, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease. Even more remarkably, 40% of American adults have two or more chronic conditions.

If you count yourself among these Americans, you’re all too aware of how complicated and challenging life can get. It’s not just about understanding the health implications of your condition. You also have to manage the prescription medications, make lifestyle changes to keep the condition at bay, and keep up with the diagnostic tests and doctor appointments.

So, do you wonder if there’s a way you could get help managing all of it? There is. It’s called chronic care management. In this blog, the providers at Generations Family Practice in Cary, North Carolina, explains what chronic care management is and how it can help you.

Chronic care management explained

With chronic care management, we take into consideration the many layers of complexity required to properly manage your illness. We address the side effects in the short-term and also work with you to stop or slow the progression of the disease by helping you develop a healthier lifestyle, so you can live a long and productive life despite your condition.

At the core of chronic care management, we focus on three areas: patient education, lifestyle changes, and prescription medications.

Patient education

Our highly trained providers at Generations Family Practice educate you so you can better understand your condition. We share strategies, tips, and recommendations to help you feel better and take more control over your life and condition.

Lifestyle changes

When you have a chronic condition, lifestyle choices can often have a big impact on reducing symptoms and improving quality of life. For example, managing stress well, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of restorative sleep can often drastically improve the health of someone with a chronic condition. So, we guide and support you in these and other areas to help you live well.

Prescription medication

Similarly, getting the right combination of medications can often make a world of difference when it comes to managing a chronic disease. We perform a comprehensive physical examination, review your medical and family history, and perform any tests needed to recommend the medications that will best help you.

But our commitment to your long-term health doesn’t stop here. We partner with Managing Solutions, Inc., an industry leader in chronic care management, to ensure our patients get high quality care in an efficient and timely manner.

Conditions covered under chronic care management

Here at Generations Family Practice, our providers are committed to helping patients of all ages better understand and manage a wide range of chronic illnesses, such as:

If you have a chronic illness, ask us if we can help you manage it. We may be able to lower your risk for complications and help you get better control over your condition.

To learn if chronic care management can help you, call 919-852-3999 or book an appointment online with Generations Family Practice today.

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