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Back Pain Specialist

Generations Family Practice

Family Medicine & Primary Care Practice located in Cary, NC

About 8% of American adults experience chronic back pain. If you’ve tried various treatments, including ice and rest, without any relief, it’s important to seek professional help. At Generations Family Practice, the team of family medicine providers offers comprehensive care for back pain. To make an appointment, call the practice in Cary, North Carolina, or click the online booking feature today.

Back Pain Q&A

What is back pain?

Back pain is any stiffness, aching, or general discomfort that affects your spine or the surrounding tissues. Almost everyone experiences back pain, but if your symptoms last for more than a week or they don’t improve with at-home treatment, make an appointment at Generations Family Practice.

What are the symptoms of back pain?

Symptoms of back pain include:

  • Stiffness
  • Postural issues
  • Muscle spasms
  • Limited range of motion

As your back pain worsens, you might also need to spend more time sitting or lying down.

When should I visit a doctor about back pain?

Make an appointment with the team at Generations Family Practice if your back pain:

  • Lasts for a week or more
  • Is severe and doesn’t respond to rest
  • Spreads into other parts of your body, like your arms or legs
  • Causes weakness or tingling in your lower body

You should also book an appointment at Generations Family Practice if your back pain results in unexplained weight loss.

What causes back pain?

Back pain occurs for various reasons, including underlying medical conditions and general wear-and-tear. At Generations Family Practice, the team regularly treats back pain caused by sprains and strains, bulging and ruptured discs, arthritis, and osteoporosis.

How is back pain diagnosed?

To diagnose back pain, your Generations Family Practice provider asks about your symptoms, including where they occur and if any activities make them worse. Then, they review your health history and conduct a physical exam. 

During the exam, your provider checks your reflexes, range of motion, and flexibility. They also gently press on your back to pinpoint areas that are swollen or sensitive to touch.

If these steps don’t provide enough information to make a diagnosis, your provider might also order X-rays, a CT scan, or an MRI. These diagnostic imaging techniques can pinpoint underlying issues, like fractures, dislocated joints, or torn ligaments.

How is back pain treated?

At Generations Family Practice, treatment of back pain depends on several factors, including the underlying cause, the severity of your symptoms, and your age. Usually, the team recommends conservative and noninvasive measures, like maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet. 

If conservative treatments don’t provide relief, the team might recommend a prescription medication like anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxers, topical pain relievers, or narcotics. If you need surgery, the team can even refer you to an orthopedic specialist nearby.

To explore the various treatment options for back pain, make an appointment at Generations Family Practice by calling the office or clicking the online booking feature today.