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The Importance of Creating Family Traditions

The Importance of Creating Family Traditions

November is a wonderful time to celebrate your family and for creating family traditions. After all, Thanksgiving and other significant holidays bring food, family, and friends together. The air feels filled with a new spirit of happiness and celebration.

Why Creating Family Traditions is Important

Family traditions aren’t just about the warm fuzzies. They are an essential way to bring your family together, creating a sense of belonging and building lifelong memories. Traditions help your child create his or her identity and expand your children’s cultural awareness. Studies show that children who know about their family history tend to be better adjusted, have increased self-confidence, and fewer behavioral health problems.
If you’re thinking to add some family traditions, here are just a few ideas:

Do you have family traditions that you love? Share with us!

All this month we will showcase on our Facebook page favorite family traditions of both Generations’ staff and those shared by patients. We’d love to share one of your favorites. Please email us with a few lines of memories, recipes, activities or other traditions that bring your warm fuzzies! Make sure to follow along for some funny and heartfelt stories!

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